Hey There! I hope this devotional reaches you with love, encouragement, and peace. There has been so much going on this week with our society that many of us have skipped our quiet time with God. I want you to promise me that you'll read this entire post before closing the page. While times are difficult we have to be clear about where we stand in our hearts with God and what we stand for in our homes, families, and communities.
The Tea:
A while ago I was listening to a video posted by the lovely Heather Lindsay ( check her on google) and what she said gave me a smooth jab in the ribs. She asked this question; "Are you ready to die?"
She then answered the question for herself and said that she was at a place where she was ready to die because she was leaving the Earth empty for God.
What Does That Even Mean?
Heather is ultimately saying that the options after this world are found in Heaven or Hell. Your job on this Earth is to live a life filled with love (pure love) and dedicated to promoting the agenda of God. When she says that she is "leaving this place on E" it is because she has dedicated herself to being obedient to God.
When we made the decision to commit to Christ we also made a decision to obey his commands, and surrender ourselves to his plan for our lives. The small things that we do naturally, our gifts and talents, the way we interact with others, are all small indicators of the tools that God has handpicked for us to use to bring others to Christ. What I said was out purpose in life once we become believers of Christ is to bring others to Christ so that when we leave this Earth, we have a great story share with God about how we honored him in all that we did. The reality is that we live our lives to be free with Christ after helping others learn about him. If you're not using your gifts, talents and even general conversations to build the kingdom of God how are you really spending your time?
Too Strong?
I get it. Ya know, I'm just as busy as the next person so this quarantine has served as a great blessing
What is my Point:
I started this year out strong with goals, ideas, and excitement but the busyness of my lifestyle; the ministry, the job, the business, the career, the graduate degree slowly but surely began to soak up all of my time and I placed God on a shelf, promising him that I was going to find time to spend with him. As you can guess, I never did. My point is this, take God off of the shelf. Make major moves in your life by making a new connection with God.
I know that the thoughts about what happens when we leave this world can be overwhelming. It can cause anxiety, but it doesn't have to. Today you can make a choice to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. FOR REAL THIS TIME. The Solution: What I mean is, you can use this time to create a prayer routine, you can also find online devotionals that will come to your phone on the daily basis, you can join me for prayer, devotional study's, you can find a local assembly to support your reading of the scripture. I'm hoping that you know my desire is to help people all over the world experience God like never before. Starting this walk with God is not easy but I'm here to help. I'll be sending more encouraging emails, posts, and updates.